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China Revises Cultural Relics Protection Law

Tue, 14 Jan 2025
Categories: China Legal Trends

On 8 Nov. 2024, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (China’s top legislature) passed the newly revised Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, which will take effect on 1 Mar. 2025.

The Cultural Relics Protection Law was enacted in November 1982, and has undergone one revision and five amendments. This marks the second revision, which involves more extensive changes compared to previous amendments.

The revision focuses on the protection management system for cultural relics. For example, it introduces a “survey before construction” system, which stipulates that no construction work can commence in areas with immovable cultural relics without prior survey to prevent damage from construction. Additionally, the “archaeological survey before land transfer” system is introduced, which requires archaeological surveys and explorations to be conducted before land is transferred or allocated, in order to minimize the impact of archaeological excavations on construction projects.

Furthermore, the revision emphasizes the country’s support for international cooperation and exchanges in the fields of archaeology, restoration, exhibition, scientific research, law enforcement, and judicial activities related to the protection of cultural relics. The Law also clarifies China’s efforts to strengthen international cooperation in the restitution and return of cultural relics.


Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash

Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team

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