China Justice Observer


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Meng Yu 余萌

Meng Yu 余萌
Meng Yu 余萌
China Justice Observer (CJO) Co-founder

Ms. Meng YU is the founder of China Justice Observer (CJO) and a lecturer (private international law) at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL).

Meng and her team of lawyers focus on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China. 

As a postdoctoral fellow, Meng led a project on proof of foreign law in Chinese courts. Meng holds a Ph.D. in law (judicial system) from CUPL. Meng was also a visiting scholar at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

527 Articles

Thu, 21 Mar 2024 Insights Meng Yu 余萌

The 2023 Civil Procedure Law adopts a problem-oriented approach, addressing difficulties in the service of process for foreign-related cases by expanding channels and shortening the service by publication period to 60 days for non-domiciled parties, reflecting a broader initiative to enhance efficiency and adapt legal procedures to the complexities of international litigation.

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 Insights Meng Yu 余萌

The insights from Chinese Supreme Court Justices on the 2023 Civil Procedure Law Amendment highlight significant modifications to international civil procedure rules, including expanded jurisdiction of Chinese courts, enhancements in consensual jurisdiction, and coordination of international jurisdictional conflicts.

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 Insights Guodong Du 杜国栋 , Meng Yu 余萌

In 2022, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice of Canada refused to grant summary judgment to enforce a Chinese monetary judgment in the context of two parallel proceedings in Canada, indicating that the two proceedings should proceed together as there was factual and legal overlap, and triable issues involved defenses of natural justice and public policy (Qingdao Top Steel Industrial Co. Ltd. v. Fasteners & Fittings Inc. 2022 ONSC 279).

Sun, 03 Dec 2023 Insights Meng Yu 余萌

The Fifth Amendment (2023) to the PRC Civil Procedure Law has opened a new chapter on international civil jurisdiction rules in China, covering four types of jurisdictional grounds, parallel proceedings, lis alibi pendens, and forum non conveniens. This post focuses on how conflicts of jurisdiction are resolved through mechanisms such as lis alibi pendens, and forum non conveniens.

Sun, 26 Nov 2023 Insights Meng Yu 余萌

The Fifth Amendment (2023) to the PRC Civil Procedure Law has opened a new chapter on international civil jurisdiction rules in China, covering four types of jurisdictional grounds, parallel proceedings, lis alibi pendens, and forum non conveniens. This post focuses on the four types of jurisdictional grounds, namely special jurisdiction, jurisdiction by agreement, jurisdiction by submission, and exclusive jurisdiction.