China Justice Observer


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Meng Yu 余萌

Meng Yu 余萌
Meng Yu 余萌
China Justice Observer (CJO) Co-founder

Ms. Meng YU is the founder of China Justice Observer (CJO) and a lecturer (private international law) at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL).

Meng and her team of lawyers focus on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China. 

As a postdoctoral fellow, Meng led a project on proof of foreign law in Chinese courts. Meng holds a Ph.D. in law (judicial system) from CUPL. Meng was also a visiting scholar at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

528 Articles

Sun, 17 Nov 2019 Insights Meng Yu 余萌

Dr. Meng Yu, as the panelist of the symposium of ''Exploring New Horizons in Caribbean-China Trade and Investment Relations'' held in Barbados in November 2019, talked about the possibility and feasibility for China and the Caribbean (in particular, the Caribbean offshore financial centers) to cooperate in mutual recognition and enforcement of court judgments.